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How Long After A Demand Letter Does Settlement Take?

An accident or injury can quickly drain your bank account. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence or fault, sending a Demand Letter is extremely important. Without it, you won’t get the settlement you need to pay your medical bills and move on with your life.

How long does it take after a demand letter is sent to get your settlement? The truth is, it varies. You may get it quite quickly, but it typically takes a few weeks to a few months to get your settlement. Read on to find out why and what you can do to expedite the process.

With top legal representation, your settlement should be reached within a few weeks to a few months. That’s the time a top attorney needs to negotiate an excellent settlement for you and your family.

What Is a Demand Letter?

A demand letter is a letter explaining the facts and reasons why an insurance company should pay your injury claim. It’s sent to the insurance company, with evidence and arguments showing what happened, who was at fault, and other essential facts. They include;

  • How were your injuries caused?
  • What, if any, negative impact have the injuries caused?
  • Who was liable for the accident that caused your injuries. (With evidence to show this fact.)
  • All medical treatments that you have had to endure due to the accident or injury
  • The amount of income that you have lost not being able to work.
  • A dollar amount that will compensate you fairly for your pain and suffering.

A Demand Letter lays out, in clear detail, all of the facts about your accident, injuries, and medical expenses. A consultation with a qualified attorney should be put together to get the best results and the highest compensation.

What Factors Can Speed-Up Or Delay The Process?

Several factors can speed-up or delay the response time after your demand letter has been sent. They include:

1- The Evidence

The more evidence proving their negligence, the faster the case can be settled. If the evidence is rock-solid, many insurance companies will settle immediately.

2- The Amount of Compensation

If the settlement amount is exorbitantly high, it could delay the process. A fair demand, however, can often speed-up the process. A top legal team can help you decide what’s fair.

3- The Number Of People or Parties Who May Be Liable

Insurance companies can be tricky when it comes to multiple liable parties. (People that caused your accident and injuries.) If there are several people at fault, it could slow down the settlement significantly.

In Conclusion

Once your demand letter has been sent to your insurance company, their response time can fluctuate. In most cases, an answer usually comes in a few weeks. In others, you may have to wait for a few months. In the majority of cases, the better prepared the demand letter, the faster the response time.

If you would like to find out more about demand letters or have questions about your legal rights, please call the law offices of injury lawyer Mike Mahone for a free case evaluation.

Picture of Mike Mahone

Mike Mahone

Mike Mahone is a personal injury and business litigation lawyer located in New Orleans, LA, and the sole practitioner of The Mahone Firm.

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